Sparrow helps you claim funds from class action settlements.
The average Sparrow user claims over $345 per year.
Get high-value class action opportunities you might qualify for.
Save time on filing! Sparrow takes care of the filing and postage fees.
Earn more than what you paid to Sparrow, or we'll refund the difference
Every year, companies pay out millions of dollars to consumers in legal settlements for false advertising, data breaches, and other legal violations. This money is available to claim, but as a consumer, it's both hard to discover these claims and time consuming to file them.
That's why we built Sparrow, a service that helps you discover class action claims and save time when filling them out.
Sparrow is a service that helps you save time discovering and filling out class action claims. Our mission is to make class actions more accessible.
Sparrow is not a law firm, and is not affiliated with the class action administrator, litigant, court, or any other party to the class action. You can either use the Sparrow service or directly file with the class action administrator.
Our mission is to make class actions more accessible. Most claims on the Sparrow site are "no proof required", meaning you won't need to dig through piles and piles of receipts to show that you actually qualify for the claim.
However, each class action has a set of requirements to file the class action and are submitted under perjury. Make sure to read these requirements carefully, as the requirements differ from claim to claim, prior to filing each claim.
After submitting the claim, the paperwork will be mailed to the settlement administrator, and ultimately, any funds that are paid out (if any) is decided by the settlement administrator.
Sparrow offers an annual plan for $8 per month (billed at $95 per year).
The annual plan is backed by Sparrow's money-back guarantee, meaning if you don't earn more than what you paid, we'll refund your money back.